Julien Vidal
Grenoble INP
Grenoble INP is one of most performant group for higher studies in France. At the same level of "Polytechnique" or "Mines ParisTech", it is ranked on the top of many national and itnernational rankings for the quality of it research and development fields:
- Ranked 1st of French universities in two burning thematics of Quacquarelli Symonds ( QS) 2013 : Materials Science and Engineering-Electrical&Electronic. ( for more information : click here and here )
- Ranked 2nd in 2013 by the newspaper "Usine Nouvelle" with 81.7 on 100 for the quality of it education and its implication in research field. ( for more information : click here )
- Ranked 3rd in 2012 by the newspaper "Industrie & Technologies" for it implication in research field: 955 doctorates, 86 patents and 15.25 million euros of investment - 42% came from business firms. ( for more information : click here )
To sustain such a level, Grenoble INP based it offer on a choice of 6 universities, each of them being based on a specific field. This specialization is highly appreciated by industrialists who are the first investors of this group.
To sustain such a level, Grenoble INP based it education on 6 schools
This university is specialised in paper and biomaterials and paper communication. With its laboratories, it is able to develop new technology as for example a new electric paper that could allow you to charge your smartphone whereas you are writing.
Whereas it has the littlest promotion, Pagora offers to his students the opportunity to study a multitude of fields linked with paper: polymers, thermo-physic ... but also with other fields as management, economy and of course languages.
Lastly, Pagora has a strong network of foreign universities as Erasmus, Socrate or Leonardo that allow it to have more than 50% of its students who make a foreign trip and 17% of them are employed in other countries after their formation.
And they know how to make the ambiance !
For more information: click here
This university is specialised in IT technologies and mathematics and telecommunications. As for the others universities, this one is accessible with different levels of graduations and marks.
In terms of students, it is the third with between 200 and 300 students per promotion. As for Pagora, it offers the opportunity to study a multitude of fields linked with IT technologies: Software development, Programming, ... but it is more linked with business.
It also offers, with its laboratories, some PhD or doctorate to his students who are interested in following their studies.
In 2010, The AERES had assessed grenoble's laboratories in the category "science of communication and informatic" and all were graded with an A or an A+.
Nevertheless, they are reputed to be a guys school due to their education field.
For more information: click here
Phelma :
This university is specialised in Electronics and Physics and materials. Their engineers are competent in many fields as nano or microtechnologies, biotechnologies or Environment.
As for others universities, Phelma as his own laboratories: LMGP, Gipsa-lab, LPSC, LTM ... Each of them studying a particular field. As it is not my school, I cannot say a lot about them but I'm sure a specialist can find some partners to develop projects with motivated students.
Phelma is particular because the school is divised in two sites: one near of GI named Minatec and the former site on the campus. But, in the future, all courses wil be given in Minatec, near of the synchrotron.
Finally, the international is also very present in the education because 160 destinations with 60 in Europe are proposed to every students.
Their girls are pretty but they are also workaholic.
For more information: click here
This university is specialised in Networks and advanced Systems. It is located in Valence, not in Grenoble that is why we do not see them a lot.
At the difference with others universities, this universitie offers more industrial experiences with longer internship: 5 and 6 months against 3 and 5 months for others.
The international opportunities are more limited as it is an isolated and little university but it is developping.
It also has some laboratories but I do not know what exactly it is done.
If there is a huge party in Grenoble, they will be there for the ambiance.
For more information: click here
This university is specialised in Energetics and Propelling and Water and Environment. Their engineers are competent in many fields as green energies, clean propelling or sustainable development.
As for others universities, Ense3 or the Cube uses laboratories to teach to his students but some of them as G-Scop or Gipsa-lab are shared with others universities like Pagora or GI.
For GI students, Ense3 students are our rivals in sport competition but in the same time we shared a friendship due to our color. We also have a common formation named IDP: Product Engineering.
Furthermore, in a close future, Ense3 will be moved out at Minatec in a policy to make firms and universities more closed in their formation and in their places.
They think they are good because they have won the Olinp'iades but GI are just behind them.
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